Creating Custom CBD Skin Care Formulations with Planta Scientific

Creating custom CBD skincare formulations requires innovative ingredients and a highly experienced formulator to develop a winning product. The Planta Scientific team collectively has over 70 years of cosmetic formulation experience and over 25 years of working with CBD in product formulations of all types. The Planta Scientific team is dedicated to developing innovative CBD cosmetic ingredients and cannabinoid-infused product formulas that elevate the cosmetics and personal care industry. 

Our patented, highly bioavailable E-200 CBD ingredient for consumer goods industries is ideal for skincare applications. It comes with penetration studies showing E-200 CBD absorbs 3.3 times deeper into the skin than standard CBD in the same formula.

The Planta Scientific team can power your next hero CBD-infused cosmetic product in two ways:

1. Powered by E-200 CBD Technology
Our patented water-soluble, nano E-200 CBD is a game changer for your CBD-infused topical or cosmetic product. Traditional CBD’s molecule size is too large to get to the deeper layers of the skin to have an impact.

Our nano-encapsulation technology takes CBD to a new level, down to 200nm, by making the actual CBD particle size significantly smaller and encapsulating it, four times as much CBD easily absorbed 3.3 times deeper dermis. More effective CBD means a more effective product.

2. Powered by the Planta Product Development Team  
We apply our years of expertise in cosmetics product development and our innovative nano E-200 CBD ingredient to create incredibly innovative CBD-infused products to empower your brands and contract manufacturing partners.

We offer expertise throughout customer interactions, from support materials, formulation calculators, and technical calls to our full suite of turn-key CBD product development services.

We’re here to support you at any level required to incorporate our innovative cannabinoid ingredients into your dream products.

The Benefits of CBD in Skincare 

Studies show that certain compounds called cannabinoids in the hemp oil extract interact with the human body’s native endocannabinoid system to maintain balance throughout the body. Although many minor cannabinoids exist, one of the most well-known and well-researched cannabinoids is Cannabidiol (CBD)

Primary research has shown that CBD is a valuable addition to formulations. While more research still needs to be done, preliminary evidence suggests that CBD Isolate in our nano-encapsulated form called E-200 CBD can improve hydration and the skin’s barrier protection and help manage skin irritations.

As with any new cosmetic product development with benefit claims, the brand must undergo in-vitro and in-vivo efficacy studies on the final CBD-infused product to ensure claims substantiation.

What You Need To Know About CBD and Beauty Products

One of the many benefits of nano E-200 CBD is its ability to combine easily with various cosmetic ingredients. However, many factors remain when creating your natural CBD-infused skincare formulation. A strong understanding of CBD and its properties during the formulation process is valuable to manufacturing a stable, scalable, effective formula.

Questions to ask your CBD supplier before you buy your bulk:

  1. Is this CBD water and oil soluble?

  2. Do you have penetration studies demonstrating absorbability?

  3. How easy is it to work with this CBD ingredient?

  4. Do you offer in-house cosmetic formulation services?

  5. Do you have someone on staff who can answer my formulation questions if I decide to formulate in-house?

Finding the Right CBD for Your Formulation

custom CBD skincare formulas

Developing a shelf-stable CBD-infused product requires technical knowledge of CBD's properties and an understanding how to incorporate the ingredient in a formula for maximum efficacy and stability. You should know how to prepare the CBD and which phase to add the CBD to your specific protocol for the most stable, effective, and optimal outcome.  

Product formulators generally view CBD as an active ingredient and incorporate it into their formula with this in mind. When developing a CBD-infused product, it's crucial to understand how the type of product you are developing could influence the most compatible CBD form for that product. 

Except for water-soluble nano CBD, all other CBD options are lipid-soluble. When an ingredient (like CBD) is "lipid-soluble," it means the CBD ingredient will only dissolve in oil. When choosing the type of CBD for your formula, it's critical to consider the rest of your formula's ingredients because the solubility of the specific CBD you select determines how you must prepare it and influences the order of addition when compounding.  

Proper CBD ingredient preparation and order of addition are critical to a high-performing, shelf-stable product that will delight your customers. 

Determining How Much CBD to Use in Your Formula

Most CBD cosmetic product developers include CBD in a concentration of between 0.025% and 2%. Tiny concentrations of CBD are generally only included as a novelty for marketing purposes. Formulators incorporate more significant percentages of CBD in concentrations of 1% or more for specific benefits that CBD contributes to the formula as an active ingredient. 

As we see with our E-200 CBD penetration studies, you will get significantly more absorption to deeper layers of the skin when you formulate with E-200 CBD instead of standard CBD Isolate or CBD distillate.

CBD cosmetic product developers reference primary research to determine their starting point for including an efficacious dosage of CBD in their product formula.

The CBD efficacy results offered by CBD manufacturers and the abundance of CBD studies and primary research found online are great places to start to dial in possible concentrations that may yield the desired efficacy results. However, it's still essential for brands to run in-vivo and in-vitro CBD studies on their final product before making any marketing claims.

We can help you launch your dream CBD product faster.

The CBD-infused product industry is constantly changing. Fortunately, we’ll be with you every step of the way, ensuring you have the tools you need to launch CBD products that lead your brand to success.

Putting research and development at the forefront of our mission, we are shaping how cosmetic companies integrate CBD into their products. From CBD ingredient innovation to product formulation and manufacturing, we’re here to help you produce effective and quality CBD formulations that stand out from the crowd.

​​At Planta Scientific, we offer the ideal balance of CBD ingredient expertise and personal care product development. We have 70 years of CPG formulation, IP experience, and an expert-level understanding of formulating CBD for health and beauty products.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to learn how we can support you with your CBD ingredient and CBD product development needs.


Water-Soluble Nano CBD Explained: Nano CBD for Product Developers


What is Nano CBD: The Small But Mighty Technology